recent programs

Funding programs and services that help to fill the gaps the help those affected by domestic violence from feeling the need to return to an unsafe situations..


Working together we build relationships with each other and help rebuild lives of those who are in need of support and security.

our leadership team

Being a part of helping victim's of domestic violence, in finding a safe path to a brighter future is fulfilling and rewarding.  Spreading love by way of giving of our time, talent or treasure is a rewarding endevoure that will help others on their long journey to security and a brighter future. 

Foundation History

Antonio Ledezma
A father of 5 and  who has a strong background in business and volunteering service to others.  He is the committed to guiding and utillitzing the resources generated by the generous donations and volunteers to help adults and children find a safe and secure future.

Natalia Ledezma

Her background in family leadership and busienss provides a strong basis for inspiration and future planning for changing the lives of victims of domestic violence. 


Liberty Ledezma was murdered by her boyfriend, leaving behind her young daughter, grieving parents and family.


Peggy Ledezma lead the charge in turning a tragedy into a positive by forming a charitable organization, that would help families victimized by domestic violence and helping individuals end the cycle of violence.


Celebrating the Life of Liberty Ledezma begins raising money and supporting programs and activities that help victims of domestic violence, by providing multiple avenues of support and guidance.


Peggy Ledezma
Her background in accounting and business leadership helps to provide the integrity and stability needed to guide a well managed charity.  Inspired by the tragic death of her daughter, she has committed to helping other escape the cycle of violence.

mission & vision

To work within the community to provide intervention, education, and prevention of domestic violence.  While also promoting strength, hope, health, and freedom to those affected.”

It's not about how much you do, but how much love you put into what you do that counts.

                          - St. Teresa of Calcutta


Celebrating the Life of Liberty Ledezma


Celebrating the Life of Liberty Ledezma